BEC 2012 Person of the Year Award Winner is Kirsten Larsen (Denmark)
The Danish Badminton Association (Badminton Denmark) proposed their former world-class player Kirsten Larsen. Since retiring Kirsten has been contributing to the development of female players in high performance badminton. She has encouraged young talented players from an early age to engage in competitive sport and assisted them by working on the issues girls face in that challenging environment. The combination of her successful mentoring and training of these girls both in physical demanding activities as well in psychological challenges made her work stand out. Kirsten Larsen has shared her ideas with other clubs and Badminton Denmark and several follow on initiatives have been successfully implemented under her supervision.

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Kirsten Larsen (L) receiving her award
Listen to some testimonials on Kristen Larsen´s contribution in badminton and sports in general.
BEC 2012 Project of the Year Award Winner is Girls Camp (Serbia)
The Project of the Year this year went to the third annual Girls Camp Serbia. The project has seen a year on year increase in the numbers of participants and is run with tremendous enthusiasm in the city of Kragujevac, in the middle of Serbia in cooperation with Badminton Belgrad. The project organizers Marija Bulatovic and Andrea Todorovic have created a new way of motivating young female players and female coaches. The camp is not only a great opportunity to encourage girls to train at a competitive level but with more than five different nationalities from Balkan Region and from further afield the camp is also an important social and intercultural gathering. The Camp is also executed to a high professional standard utilising branding, communication tools and media work to highlight the important issue of Women in Badminton. The Women in Badminton working group would like to offer our congratulations once again to this year’s winners! The Women in Badminton working group is looking forward to numerous applications for 2013 and hope to see a further increase in the numbers of outstanding projects for girls and women in Europe.

The project organizers with their award